Would you like to know more about a neglected event in the history of Brussels or a particular spot in our capital? Are you a researcher or scientist? The Museum offers various editions for different audiences.
To give you an overview, you can read a chapter of each publication online. Out of print works are available in full.
The City Museums and Archives will help you discover events in the history of Brussels that are often overlooked. Produced in a practical and richly illustrated format, these little publications are a compelling educational tool.
Discover the first chapter of each issue in our virtual library.
Studia >
Dive into our collection of published original scientific studies. These publications are available online on CAIRN or in our virtual library.
Fontes Bruxellae >
This collection is a publication of Brussels historical sources that supplement the working instruments, archival guides and scientific studies. The first chapter of each issue in available in our virtual library.
Catalogues >
Several exhibitions in the Museum have been accompanied by richly illustrated catalogues. Discover the first chapter of each catalogue in our virtual library.
Brusselse Cahiers bruxellois >
A scientific historical journal edited by the City Archives, the “Brusselse CAHIERS Bruxellois” helps promote and disseminate studies of the history of Brussels and of urban history in general, in all periods of history.
The journal is published once a year and is made up mainly of historical articles addressing an interested and varied readership written in the language of their author. They also provide a bibliography on Brussels covering the past year.
To find out more
This collection aimed at the general public takes stock of urban development in the City. You can find the first chapter of each dossier in our virtual library.